Known now as the Fates, the Moirai are thought to watch over all things. They define the destiny of gods and heroes alike.
The ancient greek, μοῖρα, pronounced moira, means: a portion, part, or piece of a whole. It originally referred to the portion of loot a soldier received as a result of victory in battle. Each person’s portioned was defined by strict tradition. The term developed into meaning one’s deserved portion in life. This was thought to be determined by divine beings, a role which was passed from god to god through time. It eventually settled onto three, sometimes referenced to be children of Nyx, sometimes those of Zeus and Themis, which continue into popular representations of the Fates. Theses beings garnered the names Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos; the spinner, the allotter, and the inevitable – death – the snipper of the thread.
Moira Games exists in the same spirit of understanding one’s lot in life. How much of what happens to us is up to chance and how much is truly determined by our decisions? Our decisions impact those around us in ways they cannot control and their decisions impact us in ways that we have no power over. Even the country and culture of our births are completely out of our control, and yet, they have tremendous impact on the quality of our life. Given this, how much can we truly claim to be a product of our own efforts?
Our games reflect this idea, and others, in their cores and challenge players to think how far outside the bounds of the rules these ideas extend.